Geomatic Team
Geomatics Team comprises one of the three units of Upstream Information Management (UIM) Department, ADNOC Exploration Division. A lot of oil/gas exploration tasks require good awareness, knowledge and application of geo-spatial information. Some prime examples include designing of seismic surveys, surface positioning of new wells or location of existing wells, awareness of existing pipelines and facilities, environmentally sensitive areas, shipping routes, water depth, and much more. Geomatics Team possesses geo-spatial domain knowledge and contributes to all phases of ADNOC exploration activities that require geographic information.
Evolution of ADNOC Geomatics Team
The first Drafting Team in ADNOC used to prepare graphics, posters and maps manually over drafting boards, which eventually evolved to computer based graphics. In the early 90’s the team went through a major transformation and started adopting Intergraph/Bentley GIS system, which served all mapping and cartographic requirements for long 20 years. With the increasing popularity of ESRI’s ArcGIS line of products the team once again went through another major change by adopting ESRI’s GIS solutions in 2007-2008.
The Geomatics Team achieved the following milestones in GIS implementation:
ADNOC Exploration data model
Centralized Geodatabase
Mapping and Cartography using ArcGIS
NOC workflow and related map production
Web GIS application
Online access to OPCOs GIS layers and overlaying with ADNOC GIS
Started as ‘Exploration GIS’, now extended with lots of onshore and offshore facilities layers
Hail and Ghasha Fields Seismic Survey design
Hail and Ghasha Fields Seismic Survey design
Urbanisation impact analysis on oil/gas assets in Jarn Yaphour field
Hail and Ghasha Fields Seismic Survey design
‘ADNOC Group GIS Committee’ (AGGC) is one major achievement initiated by ADNOC Geomatics Team. The Committee invites GIS and Geomatics personnel from all OPCOs to identify and overcome major challenges faced by the members. Following are the major points AGGC have started working to overcome some of the challenges:
Standardization of ‘Personal Development Plan’ for advice to CAMS
Standardization of Geodetic parameters and practices across ADNOC Group
Standardization of oil/gas Cartographic symbols for ADNOC group
ADNOC Group Federated GIS
GIS Centre of Excellence
The Geomatics Team is acting as the ‘GIS Centre of Excellence’ by giving technical advises for implementing GIS to ADNOC group companies, especially those who are new to GIS. It also facilitates ADSIC membership for new OPCOs members thereby giving them access to secured ADSIC GIS and related technical resources.
As a proof of concept the Team implemented web GIS applications for ‘ADNOC Crisis and Emergency Management Team, and another one for ‘ADNOC Medical Services Division’. This was done based on requests from the mentioned two business units.
The E&P GIS is a web based application developed in-house by ADNOC Geomatics Team. This application is designed to enable ADNOC E&P community to discover, search and visualize the various assets of ADNOC in a geographic context (map). E&P GIS application is built on a highly flexible and scalable architecture; and currently utilizes online map data from various sources including ADNOC (in-house), OPCOs (ADCO, Al Hosn Gas, GASCO, ADMA-OPCO, ZADCO), Abu Dhabi Government (AD-SDI geoportal), Abu Dhabi Environment Agency and ESRI.
For any GIS technical support matters please contact the following System Administrators:
ADNOC Group GIS Committee